the art of apologising
i enter the house warily.
slip out of my ego,
carefully hang it on the coat rack.
wash my hands of the litany
of passive-aggressive replies.
cradle a bouquet of clichéd words,
tried and tested i’m sorries
interspersed with it’s me, not you.
a delayed first-aid kit to
nurse the open wounds.
i wonder if i should have
brought reinforcements
in case the situation worsens.
throwing stars etched with
grenades of petty anger,
liable to explode at
the slightest of affronts.
tourniquets to stem the bleeding
of broken promises that line my path.
but today, i bring a message of peace.
drop my hurt and resentment
to let my shoulders straighten.
turning the page to herald
a new dawn of honesty.
i sew remorse into the soft curve
of my smile.
line the hems of my dress with
weighted calm.
i crumple the bouquet,
pluck my own arrangement
from the garden,
and walk in with
my heart on my sleeve.