Poetry Prompt Series 8
I’m trying out a poetry prompt series for September, let’s see how it goes. I’ll put up a few scattered pieces.
#8 — Grey hues
there’s a reason why black and white
always go together,
nothing is ever a single colour.
the very notions of morality
are dynamic winds,
changing direction
with experience.
i wonder about my deeds,
how many were right,
and how many were wrong?
a tally telling me,
what kind of person i am.
but personality does not
lend itself to classification,
it is a layered, complex design.
i stand amidst shifting tides,
clinging onto the shore
with my toes,
even as sand flows away.
the skies above
herald a thunderstorm,
always in hues of grey,
and i, with bated breath,
wait for judgement day.