Poetry Prompt Series 7
I’m trying out a poetry prompt series for September, let’s see how it goes. I’ll put up a few scattered pieces.
#7 — Musical Life
the beauty of music,
is that it never leaves.
once the rhythm settles,
it seems to pop out
from every corner.
the car engine
thrums steadily,
a one-two-three,
one-two-three beat.
i stumble upon melodies
in the most ordinary objects.
songs are always in my head,
a soft hum escaping,
as i perfect the notes.
music is a lifetime,
and even that isn’t enough,
to learn all that is there.
inspiration is everywhere.
to the trained ear,
speech is just a mix
of pitches and tones,
emotions can be notated
into heart-wrenching melodies.
my life is an explosion of sound,
with a perfectly tuned
background score.