Poetry Prompt Series 18

1 min readSep 18, 2020


I’m trying out a poetry prompt series for September, let’s see how it goes. I’ll put up a few scattered pieces.

Photo by Art Lasovsky on Unsplash

#18 — Heaven abode

the voices of my head,
are masters in their own right.
initially, they plagued me
with self-doubt,
harshly reprimanding every act.
shredding my confidence
into dark confetti.
under the constant pressure,
my resolve hardened.
we spoke and spoke,
for long hours,
weaving intricate conversation.
i set forth my case,
a trepidatory truce,
waiting to be struck down.
chattering voices overlapped,
for and against in
almost equal measure.
days passed in agony,
until one morning,
blissful silence greeted me,
my heaven abode.
since then,
the voices of my head,
are my kindest tones.
always the same words,
murmured softly,
the minute i wake.
a gentle caress
across my cheek,
today’s the day, love,
everything’s going to change.



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