clarion call
is it possible to make art
devoid of strong feelings?
dispassionately treat it
as an expression of skill,
rather than that of emotion.
puppet arms moving,
puppet eyes glazed over.
there is a subtle difference
between art and exhibition.
exhibition lends itself
to other people’s opinions,
craving external validation.
the sound of thunderous applause,
a chorus of murmured compliments.
but art is self-contained.
the people seeing it are white noise,
all the better for
a night of peaceful sleep.
there is often painful honesty
in lasting art.
the courage to be vulnerable.
the beauty is,
we know not how many
such pieces have been lost
to the merciless passage of time,
yet, their own identity remains untouched.
art does not need anyone’s approval,
no certificate of authenticity.
create art without apology.